Source code for pymangal.api

import json
from jsonschema import validate
import requests as re
from makeschema import makeschema
from checks import *
from helpers import *

[docs]class mangal: """Creates an object of class ``mangal`` This is the main class used by ``pymangal``. When called, it will return an object with all methods and attributes required to interact with the database. :param url: The URL of the site with the API (default: ````) :param suffix: The suffix of the API (default: ``/api/v1/``) :param usr: Your username on the server (default: ``None``) :param key: Your API key on the server (default: ``None``) :returns: An object of class ``mangal`` """ def __init__(self, url='', suffix='/api/v1/', usr=None, key=None): """Creates an instance of a ``mangal`` class """ if not suffix[0] == '/': suffix = '/'+suffix if not suffix[-1:] == '/': suffix += '/' self.suffix = suffix self.owner = None self.params = {} self.auth = False # We check that the URL is a string if not isinstance(url, str): raise TypeError("The URL must be a string") # Let's check a bunch of things about the username and password if (usr == None) and (key != None): raise ValueError("You must provide a username") if (usr != None) and (key == None): raise ValueError("You must provide a password") # Finally if all is well, we check the type and create a auth object if (usr != None) and (key != None): if isinstance(usr, str) and isinstance(key, str): self.params['username'] = usr self.params['api_key'] = key self.auth = True else : raise TypeError("Both the password and the username must be strings") # We don't want the URL to end with a trailing slash # (if only because it makes things simpler after) if url[-1:] == '/': url = url[:-1] # Now we create the URL property self.root = url self.url = self.root + self.suffix # List of fields names/types # This gives the type of all relational fields self.field_names = { 'taxa': 'taxa', 'taxa_from': 'taxa', 'taxa_to': 'taxa', 'pop_from': 'population', 'pop_to': 'population', 'item_to': 'item', 'item_from': 'item', 'environment': 'environment', 'traits': 'trait', 'networks': 'network', 'interactions': 'interaction', 'traits': 'trait', 'papers': 'reference', 'data': 'reference', 'networks': 'network', 'population': 'population' } # We establish first contact with the API API = re.get(self.url, params=self.params) if not API.status_code == 200 : raise ValueError("The URL you provided ("+url+") gave a "+str(API.status_code)+" status code") self.resources = API.json().keys() # For each resource, we need to know which verbs are available self.schemes = {} allowed_verbs = {} for resource in self.resources: schema = self.root + API.json()[resource]['schema'] schema_request = re.get(schema, params=self.params) if schema_request.status_code != 200 : raise ValueError("The schema for resource "+resource+" is not available") if not 'allowed_detail_http_methods' in schema_request.json(): raise KeyError("The API do not give a list of allowed methods") allowed_verbs[resource] = schema_request.json()['allowed_detail_http_methods'] self.schemes[resource] = makeschema(schema_request.json(), name=str(resource), title="Schema for "+str(resource)+" objects") self.verbs = allowed_verbs # We get the URI of the user if self.auth: user_url = self.url + 'user' + "?username__exact=" + self.params['username'] user_request = re.get(user_url, params=self.params) if user_request.status_code == 200 : user_objects = user_request.json()['objects'] if len(user_objects) == 0 : raise ValueError("No user with this name") self.owner = self.suffix + 'user/' + str(user_objects[0]['id']) + '/' def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the ``mangal`` object This allow users to see the URL of the server they work on, and if logged in, their username. """ repr = "---------------------------\nMangal API connector\n" repr+= "URL: "+self.root if self.auth: repr+= "\n" repr+= "Logged in as " repr+= self.params['username'] repr+="\n---------------------------\n" return repr
[docs] def List(self, resource='dataset', filters=None, page=10, offset=0): """ Lists all objects of a given resource type, according to a filter :param resource: The type of resource (default: ``dataset``) :param filters: A string giving the filtering criteria (default: ``None``) :param page: Either an integer giving the number of results to return, or ``'all'`` (default: ``10``) :param offset: Number of initial results to discard (default: ``0``) :returns: A ``dict`` with keys ``meta`` and ``objects`` .. note:: The ``objects`` key of the returned dictionary is a ``list`` of ``dict``, each being a record in the database. The ``meta`` key contains the ``next`` and ``previous`` urls, and the ``total_count`` number of objects for the request. """ list_objects = [] if isinstance(page, str): if not page == 'all': raise ValueError("If 'page' is given as a string, it must be 'all'") else : if isinstance(page, int): if page < 1 : raise ValueError("page must be greater or equal to 1") else : raise TypeError("page must be either a string or an integer") if not isinstance(offset, int): raise TypeError("offset must be an integer") if offset < 0 : raise ValueError("offset must be positive") check_resource_arg(self, resource) if not filters == None: check_filters(filters) list_url = self.url + resource if page != 'all': off_pages = "limit="+str(page)+"&offset="+str(offset) if filters == None : filters = off_pages else: filters = off_pages + '&' + filters if not filters == None : list_url += '?' + filters list_request = re.get(list_url, params=self.params) if list_request.status_code != 200 : raise ValueError("There was an error in listing the objects. Status code "+str(list_request.status_code)) list_content = list_request.json() if not list_content.has_key('objects'): raise KeyError('Badly formatted reply') for obj in list_content['objects']: list_objects.append(check_data_from_api(self, resource, obj)) if page == 'all': while not list_content['meta']['next'] == None : list_request = re.get(self.root + list_content['meta']['next'], params=self.params) list_content = list_request.json() for obj in list_content['objects']: list_objects.append(check_data_from_api(self, resource, obj)) return {'meta': list_content['meta'], 'objects': list_objects}
[docs] def Get(self, resource='dataset', key='1'): """ Get an object identified by its key (id) :param resource: The type of object to get :param key: The unique identifier of the object :returns: A ``dict`` representation of the resource """ if isinstance(key, int): key = str(key) if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("The key must be a string") check_resource_arg(self, resource) get_url = self.url + resource + '/' + key get_request = re.get(get_url, params=self.params) if get_request.status_code == 404 : raise ValueError("There is no object with this identifier") if not get_request.status_code == 200 : raise ValueError("Request failed with status code "+str(get_request.status_code)) # TODO check with the scheme!!! data = get_request.json() data = check_data_from_api(self, resource, data) return data
[docs] def Post(self, resource='taxa', data=None): """ Post a resource to the database :param resource: The type of object to post :param data: The dict representation of the object The ``data`` may or may not contain an ``owner`` key. If so, it must be the URI of the owner object. If no ``owner`` key is present, the value used will be ``self.owner``. This method converts the fields values to URIs automatically If the request is successful, this method will return the newly created object. If not, it will print the reply from the server and fail. """ data = check_upload_res(self, resource, data) post_url = self.url + resource + '/' # Keys to URIs data = keys_to_uri(self, resource, data) # Then, posting payload = json.dumps(data) post_request =, params=self.params, data=payload, headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}) if post_request.status_code == 201 : return check_data_from_api(self, resource, post_request.json()) else : raise ValueError("The request failed with status code "+str(post_request.status_code)+":"+post_request.json()['error_message'])
[docs] def Patch(self, resource='taxa', data=None): """ Patch a resource in the database :param resource: The type of object to patch :param data: The dict representation of the object The value of the ``owner`` field will be preserved, i.e. the owner of the object is not changed when patching the data object. This is important for users to find back the objects they uploaded even though they have been curated. This method converts the fields values to URIs automatically. If the request is successful, this method will return the newly created object. If not, it will print the reply from the server and fail. """ data = check_upload_res(self, resource, data) data = prepare_data_for_patching(self, resource, data) if 'resource_uri' in data.keys(): patch_url = self.root + data['resource_uri'] else: patch_url = self.url + resource + '/' + str(data['id']) + '/' # Keys to URIs data = keys_to_uri(self, resource, data) # Then, patching payload = json.dumps(data) patch_request = re.patch(patch_url, params=self.params, data=payload, headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}) if patch_request.status_code == 202 : return check_data_from_api(self, resource, patch_request.json()) else : print patch_request.json() raise ValueError("The request failed with status code "+str(patch_request.status_code))