Filtering of resources

This document covers the different ways to filter resources using the List method.

General filtering syntax

Filtering follows the general syntax:


field is the name of one of the fields in the resource model (see mg.schemes[resource]['properties'].keys()). relation is one of the ten possible values given below. Finally, target is the value to match. It is possible to join several filters, by joining them with &.

Note that if the target contains spaces, they will be automatically changed to %20, so you won’t have to worry about that.


Let’s start by loading the module:

>>> import pymangal as pm
>>> api = pm.mangal()

Getting all taxa whose name contains “alba”:

>>> api.List('taxa', filters='name__contains=alba', page='all')

Getting the dataset containing network “101”:

>>> api.List('dataset', filters='networks__in=101', page='all')

Getting all networks with “benthic” in their name, between latitudes “-5” and “5”:

>>> api.list('network', filters='name__contains=bentic&latitude__range=-5,5', page='all')

Type of relationships

relation description
startswith All fields starting by the target
endswith All fields ending by the target
exact Exact matching
contains Fields that contain the target
range Fields with values in the range
gt Field with values greater than the target
lt Field with values smaller than the target
gte Field with values greater (or equal to) than the target
lte Field with values smaller (or equal to) than the target
in Field with the target among their values

Filtering through multiple resources

It is possible to combine several resources when filtering. For example, if one want to retrieve populations belonging to the taxa Alces americanus, the syntax is



List of populations whose taxa is of the genus “Alces”:

>>> api.List('population', filters='taxa__name__startswith=Alces', page='all')

List of interactions involving “Canis lupus” as a predator

>>> api.List('interaction', filters='link_type__exact=predation&taxa_from__name__exact=Canis%20lupus', page='all')